She Sent Her Son

 I had an epiphany at church on Sunday. Something that I'm ashamed to say I have never thought of in my 37 years on this earth.

You know that scripture? The one every Christian knows and loves? 

"For God so loved the world...He gave His only begotten son..."

Do you realize that the Son in that scripture had TWO parents who loved us so much they sent Him here?

Think about that for a second. We're always mentioning how we have a loving Father in Heaven who sent His son here, but not once have I ever thought about how difficult it must have been for our MOTHER in Heaven to send Her son to the earth to go through what He went through.  As a mother myself, I've never truly been able to identify with the thought of only Christ's father sending him to be our Savior. But the thought of his MOTHER...well that changes everything for me.

At church on Sunday, we were asked to focus on one specific person who we love so much we would do anything for. It was obvious who I would pick, because my youngest child, Gracie, has held every piece of my heart since the moment she came into this world.  At 3 years old, she has me regularly staring at her in awe of what a magnanimous human being she is. In her own little autistic world, she is happy, she's brilliant, and she's perfect; I adore everything about her. And if you told me one day that I had to give her up for 30+ years to a group of angry, hateful humans who would hurt her and betray her and use her in ways I can't even imagine, I'd tell you to choose someone else, because I couldn't let anyone hurt my baby. So just think...for just a second...about how much strength it took for our Mother in Heaven to do that with Her own beloved son.

She sacrificed one she save the others she loved just as much.

We always think of Jesus as being so highly favored of God, but in reality, WE are the highly favored ones. WE are the ones our Heavenly parents sent Jesus to save. Do we realize how much They love us? Do we realize that as loved as Christ, our Savior, is by his parents, that they loved US enough to sacrifice Him?

I think we miss that sometimes. I know I do.

And they didn't just sacrifice Jesus for a few of us. They did it for ALL of us. Every single person on this earth. Every man, woman, or child who ever lived, was so loved by our Heavenly parents that they chose to sacrifice their perfect baby boy. 

Do you realize that you are one of those people?

Do you realize how loved you are?

Do you realize that you have parents in Heaven who would literally do anything to save you?

Remember THAT the next time you have a bad day.  Remember THAT the next time you feel like no one understands you. 

YOU are loved. YOU are perfect. YOU are important. Even if you don't know it yet.


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