She Sent Her Son
I had an epiphany at church on Sunday. Something that I'm ashamed to say I have never thought of in my 37 years on this earth. You know that scripture? The one every Christian knows and loves? "For God so loved the world...He gave His only begotten son..." Do you realize that the Son in that scripture had TWO parents who loved us so much they sent Him here? Think about that for a second. We're always mentioning how we have a loving Father in Heaven who sent His son here, but not once have I ever thought about how difficult it must have been for our MOTHER in Heaven to send Her son to the earth to go through what He went through. As a mother myself, I've never truly been able to identify with the thought of only Christ's father sending him to be our Savior. But the thought of his MOTHER...well that changes everything for me. At church on Sunday, we were asked to focus on one specific person who we love so much we would do anything for. It was obvious who I w...