Where Is Jesus?
I dream in symbolism. It's crazy. My dreams are always super vivid, and they always have deeper meaning than what's obvious within them. If I'm thinking about anything more than a few seconds throughout the day, you can almost bet I'm dreaming about it that night. Last night was no different. I dreamt I was in church. Just a regular weekly Sunday school class in the Young Women's room, combined with Relief Society and young women. White walls, blue carpet that looks like ants crawling around if you stare at it too long (if you don't know what I'm talking about...try it). There were no men in this room. It was just like any other ward I'd ever been to. Everyone was dressed in church dresses, hair and makeup perfect...the works...when a couple of younger ladies walked in, announcing themselves as visitors. For the most part, the women in the room were welcoming at first, but as these two newcomers began speaking, their appearances started to change. At...