When the Truth Comes Out
I've always been really great at word vomit. I don't like hiding my figurative dirty laundry (but you bet your boots when you come to my house I'm hiding ALLLLLL the literal stuff). I don't ever want anyone to be afraid to open up about their true feelings. I want to see who you really are. So...when I have something to say, I say it, and I hope that my candor allows other people to feel safe and not judged when they're with me (and I hope that it comes out the way it was intended, because sometimes I suck with words) . At first, when I started opening up to people about the changes in my beliefs, it was easy to see the support from people around me. To my face, no one tried to convince me that I was wrong (though on social media I was definitely called "apostate" several times) and for the most part, everyone just treated me like I belonged anyway. I loved that. It meant that other people would feel safe showing their differences too. I felt wanted and ...